Honestly, I don’t think it’s something you notice so much as subconsciously resign yourself to in your life? Growing up consuming media and having Spinal Muscular Atrophy, in everything from books to movies to video games, I’ve always known and accepted that people like me don’t necessarily get to have our stories told unless we fit into the “Inspiration” box. Wh en did you first notice the lack of disability representation? I now currently own and play The Sims 2 and 4 as well, with the main game I play now being The Sims 4. My mum bought The Sims 3 for me when it first released, and I’ve been invested in this series ever since. It’s been a decade and I didn’t even know. I am 20 years old at the time of this interview, going on 21 in December. My name is Sherry, but people also know me as Elisa online.

I immediately wanted to reach out to her, and upon doing so she accepted the request for an interview! Please read her original article here! This article talked about the possibility of disability representation in The Sims, one of my favorite games. I was just browsing on twitter, and ran across an interesting title of an article.