See the full list of supported audio formats. Bitrates from 16 to 320 kbps are supported. Rocket is bundled with encoder presets for common configurations, but also allows you to customize the encoder settings. Encoder Formats MP3, AAC, AAC+ (HE-AAC v2), HE-AAC v1, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Opus, and Ogg FLAC (lossless) are supported. Metadata Updates and Automatic Metadata Capture Rocket can send metadata updates to your radio station on-demand or automatically capture metadata from another application window every few seconds. Got your radio station on multiple radio networks? Rocket makes it easy to broadcast simultaneously on all of them to maximize your audience. Multiple Streams and Encoders Broadcast audio with different codec profiles (like mobile or high quality) or multiple servers. Captured audio is mixed with application audio, so you can record from a studio microphone while you play jingles in a media player, or while you interview a guest over Skype. Microphone / Line-in Capture Capture and broadcast audio from a microphone or line-in jack. Rocket makes broadcasting a live Skype interview over your internet radio station easier than ever before. Capture all application audio Capture and broadcast audio from other applications on Windows, like Skype or your favourite music player. Visit Technical Specifications in our documentation for a complete list.